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Below are execerpts from emailed readings.




Conditions: "We see from our perspective a serious and chronic imbalance to the physical body due to emotional imbalances. We would tell you that you are not defined by your emotions, but rather your actions. Actions form identity. When emotions form identity, then you are indulging too much in the Earth experience, we would say you are losing yourself in the experience and are reacting to what is happening to you instead of understanding that you are creating the experience for yourself, for Us, as a whole, to grow and expand. Be aware, you are creating these experiences to learn how to balance emotion and realize you can change an emotion in a heartbeat. As the channel likes to say, ‘Emotions are like sweaters in a closet, you can take them off and switch them around at will, if you wear one too long it begins to smell and eventually will be in tatters.’”


"All letting go, all compassion, all Love starts with forgiveness of self. We are there to make mistakes. Where I am now, there really are no mistakes. We see and feel the ultimate connection to Source, to Creation and All is Known. It is from our perspective, a gift to not know, to be blind and stumbling around in the dark. For in this circumstance we GROW and EXPAND. It is the best way, the best school there is, is Earth. Simply saying, 'I forgive myself for acting this way, or for thinking this way' is simple and highly effective."


"A few final words we offer - Trust yourself, Love yourself. We trust and love you! We see your struggles and so many times we offer signs and signals to let you know we are there,but often times they go unnoticed. We do not fret, we do not waiver in our love and our mission to help you along your way. Each moment we redouble our efforts and our resolve. Now that you know me, the 'larger' you, the 'future' you, call to me, ask me for help and know that I decorate your life with love and light with signs and signals with inclinations on what to do next. This is my service and gift to you. Be well, Be confident, You are Loved and cherished!"




"The Endocrine system is being held hostage by the intake of water contaminated with fluoride as well as processed foods and beverages containing fluoride as well as other chemical compounds that are toxic to the body. Only the most natural and cleanest of foods and beverages should be ingested. The body is a temple, a beautiful temple that holds soul energy as well as receives and transmits energy which is translated by the pineal gland into the "reality" you perceive around you. Realize All you see is but a dream within a dream and to lucid dream, to manipulate the dream to best serve the individual soul, the body must operate at optimum efficiency. This is achieved through proper diet and mindset, coupled with a spiritual awareness."




We would like to point out at this time that needs and wants should align, once aligned you will find you get exactly what you want in all times. There is only abundance offered by the Creator to All its aspects, it is up to the individualized aspects of the Creator to reach into the offered abundance and retrieve what is necessary for the specific experience. What are you reaching for? Why are you reaching for it? Does what you want truly serve your true needs?


"So much influence on Earth is derived from the minds of others, instead of emanating from the individual mind itself. This is a multi-faceted issue. One reason for the allowance of influence from others is a lack of confidence in the self to make informed decisions. You may say to yourself now upon reading these words, "I make plenty of good decisions on my own" and to this we say Yes, of course, but remember the mind is composed of 2 main parts, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, or as we like to call it the over-conscious as it resides on top of, in your terms, the conscious mind. The over conscious knows all and keeps a recording of all 'past' lives in this world and all the other worlds you have inhabited. To this regard we say that in other existences influence of others over the individual has been a lesson unlearned. These unlearned lessons remain in the over-conscious and have a sometimes subtle,sometimes not so subtle effect on the current incarnation program even if that lesson is not the emphasis of the current incarnation."



Condition - "From our perspective we see the normal human acute situation of imbalance between the mental/physical and spiritual bodies. Through the course of the reading we will give you insights and suggestions for ways with which to achieve the balance you seek. All humans seek balance, whether they would like to admit it or not. To seek is the first step in finding. We would say, noticing the clues we leave all around your world will help you in the search. We would further note it was you yourself/Us if you will as you perceive us as being separate from each other, but really we are One energy, in fact All is One energy, manipulated and individuated so as to create experience for itself...we digress, but it was You who inserted the clues, it was you who programmed this reading into your experience at this exact moment...You said...If I forget too much, if I become blind by not the light, but by the dark, then let there be a way, let there be a reminder that I cannot dismiss...this my friend, my lovely spirit encased within the yellow ray bio computer, this is that reminder."

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